Wednesday, November 10, 2010

O Canada!

Today, at Alice’s school, I listen, for the first time, the Canadian anthem. It was a very special moment for me: everybody stood up, a student raising the fag, someone in the piano and everybody else softly singing the anthem beautiful melody. I never thought how beautiful it would be. It was so beautiful that I decided to share this feeling with you all.
Hoje eu tive a oportunidade de ouvir, pela primeira vez, lá na escola da Alice, o hino canadense. Foi um momento muito especial para mim. Um aluno segurando a bandeira, alguém no piano e todos cantando suavemente o hino. Nunca pensei que tivesse uma melodia tão suave e bonita. Realmente me surpreendi. Já conhecia a letra: simples e curta, mas não a melodia, e é linda!

Here are some versions I found in Youtube and the English version of the lyric. In the Wikipedia you can find the original French version and the Inuktitut version.
Separei umas versões do hino que achei no Youtube. Não deixem de escutar! Na Wiki se encontra as versões da letra no original, em francês e em inuik também.

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

I hope you enjoy the anthem as I did. Esperam que vocês gostem do hino tanto quanto eu!

GO CANADA! Boris Poludo sings O Canada, Canadian National Anthem. Recorded in Vancouver, British Columbia on June 4, 2009 as a tribute to Canadian Olympic GOLD:

O Canada (With Glowing Hearts) 1979 national anthem film:

O Canada (Canada National Anthem) // Calgary 1988 Version:

National Anthem of Canada (O Canada):

Vancouver Symphony Orchestra records O Canada for 2010 Olympics:

Glowing kisses,

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