Monday, March 30, 2009

Picnic in the park

It happened last Sunday. I am posting a little late, but that’s ok. Last Sunday the weather was very nice: sunny and warm. We were thinking of going to DC (we always go there when we don’t know what to do! – hehehe…) but Alice didn’t want. She suggested (very smart) to go to the park and make a picnic to celebrate the beginning of spring. So we made some subs, a fruit salad, took some water and juice and there we went.

We chose a very near park (approximately 10 miles from our home) and one we had never visited before. This park is close to the Occoquan River and it has a marina where you can also rent boats.

Here are some pictures of our sunny Sunday.

Camila and Alexandre met us over there and had the picnic with us.

We also had a little walking time in a trail. This is the trail view. Some don’t like much this dry view. I think that it has a particular beauty too!

Sunny kisses,

Saturday, March 28, 2009

March begins as a lion and...

…ends as a lamb!

This is what Alice told me. She learned at school.
O mês de março inicia como um leão e termina como uma ovelhinha... A Alice me ensinou essa; aprendeu na escola.

The weather in the beginning of March is very cloudy, windy and snowy. During the month the weather is changing and ends warmer and with soft wind, looking more as a spring day.
No início de março a temperatura ainda é baixa, com neve e muito vento. Durante o mês o clima vai mudando e o mês termina com temperaturas mais amenas e ventos suaves, se parecendo bem mais com a primavera.

Here there is another picture of the same tree (in front of our building) loaded with white flowers. It is very beautiful, isn’t it?
Aqui vai mais uma foto da árvore das estações (aquela que sempre fotografo e fica em frente ao nosso prédio). Ela não tem nenhum verde, apenas o branco das flores. Linda, né?

Lamb’s kisses

Saturday, March 21, 2009

School Spirit Week

This week was Mullen school spirit week. Each day of the week there was something special happening.
Essa última semana era a semana do espírito do Mullen (escola da Alice). Cada dia da semana tinha uma coisa diferente.

Monday was the Jersey day and everybody could go to the school wearing their favorite athletic jersey. Alice didn’t want to wear her Gremio t-shirt!
Na segunda-feira os alunos, professores e funcionários podiam vestir a camiseta do seu time preferido. Quis que a Alice fosse com a camista do Grêmio, mas não teve jeito!

Tuesday was the Mullen wear and mismatched day. Everybody could wear something with the school symbol (a shamrock leaf – because the school was founded by an Irish man: George Mullen) and a mismatched wear.
Na terça-feira todos podiam vestir verde e usar a roupa bagunçada. Ou usar qualquer coisa com o símbolo da escola (uma folha trevo de três folhas - por que a escola foi fundada por um irlandês: George Mullen).

Alice wore her green shirt and socks of different pairs. She also had her hair a little mismatched. Of course my fancy girl could be mismatched but – never - ugly! Hehehe…
A Alice usou uma blusinha verde e uma meia de cada par. Também quis o cabelo UM POUCO desordenado. É claro que a minha patricinha pode fazer um pouco dessa agunça, mas não muito, por que feia, jamais! hehhehe....

Wednesday was the crazy hat day: they could use different hats. We forgot about it and didn’t improvise any hat. I felt sorry also because I forgot to take some pictures. There were so many different hats!
Na quarta-feira era o dia do chapéu maluco. Nós acabamos nos esquecendo de improvisar um chapéu maluco. Foi uma pena que também esqueci de pegar a máquina e tirar umas fotos. Tinha uns chapéus bem diferentes!

Thursday was the slipper day: each one should use theirs slippers during the classes. They also had some green popcorn.
Na quinta-feira era o dia da pantufa. Nesse dia também comeeram pipoca verde.

Friday was the dress-up day. Everybody should go to the school with their nicest clothes. It was a festive day because the school was celebrating the title of the School of Excellence. This means that the school demonstrated high levels of performance for their students, made adequate yearly progress (AYP) and was accredited by the state of Virginia.
Sexta-feira era dia de festa na escola e porisso todos deveriam ir com roupas de festa. O motivo da festa é que a escola foi homenageada por se classificar como uma das escolas de excelência do estado da Virgínia.

This is a picture of the cake that it was made to the school.
Aqui uma foto do bolo da festa.

This was Alice’s favorite spirit day! –hehehehe….
She wore her Spanish dress (a present from Alma (from Spain) and her classmate in Brazil). She was very cute and everybody loved her dress.
Este foi o dia preferido da Alice! por que será, né?
Ela usou o vestido que ganhou de presente da Alma (colega e amiga espanhola do Panamerican, em Porto Alegre). O vestido veio direto da Espanha!

Ela estava linda e todos elogiaram o vestido.

Spirits kisses,

Friday, March 20, 2009

Toy for all ages!

Last Sunday Quico and Alice bought a toy for both of them. It is that kind of toy you have to build (a little similar to LEGO) and have little motor. They chose the octopus whirl model.
Domingo passado o Quico e a Alice saíram para comprar um brinquedinho para ambos: um brinquedo para montar (estilo LEGO) com motor. Escolheream um tipo de brinquedo de parque de diversão.

They had a nice time together building it!
Eles se divertiram bastante juntos!

Just have a look how it works.
Dêem só uma olhada como ficou no final.



Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

Tuesday was St. Patrick's Day and, as it is usual here, everybody was in the spirit of the date. Most people wore green or used some Irish symbol in their clothes. Alice used green and I wore a t-shirt with a shamrock on it.
Terça-feira foi St. Patrick Day e, como é de costume por aqui,o pessoal entrou no espírito da data. A maioria vestiu verde ou usou algum símbolo representativo da data. A Alice usou uma blusa verde e eu usei uma camista com um trevo estampado.

In my weekly meeting at the library (English Conversation Club) we had some special cookies too. They were delicious and beautiful!
No encontro semanal da biblioteca (English Conversation Club) nós tivemos bolachinhas especiais. Elas estavam lindas e deliciosas!

After Alice’s school she and Quico went outside to look for the little Leprechaun (a small, green and fat man who wears a hat with a shamrock). The stories tell that if you find the Leprechaun he will give you a pot full of gold. The only problem is that he is so fast and so smart that you can never find him.
Depois da escola a Alice e o Quico saíram de casa para procurar o Leprechaun (um homenzinho verde e gordo que usa um chapéu com um trevo estampado). Conta a lenda que se alguém encontrar o Leprechaun ele dará a essa pessoa um pote cheio de ouro. O problema é que ele é muito rápido e esperto e ningué nunca consegue achá-lo.

Alice told us that he went to her classroom – during the night – and he made a mess and also left some shamrock bracelets. So, after the school nothing could stop her. We had to go outside twice trying to find the Leprechaun. She was very excited with that!
A Alice também nos contou que o Leprechaun foi na escola dela à noite e fez uma bagunça na sala de aula e ainda deixou para eles umas pulseirinhas enfeitadas com trevo. Então, depois da escola nada podia contê-la. Nós tivemos que sair com ela, duas vezes, para procurar o tal do Leperchaun. Ela estava muito animada com isso!

That’s all folks!
É isso aí pessoal!

Green hugs for everybody!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Season

Life came back to Brazil! Finally I could see that our blog is being visited again!
Also here – life is coming back!
A vida voltou no Brasil! Finalmente o blog tem sido visitado novamente!
Aqui também a vida está voltando!

Two weeks ago it was snowing around here as you had seen in the pictures, but at the end of the week the temperature was 25 degrees Celsius! We wore short sleeves and havainas!
Há duas semanas atrás estava nevando por aqui, como puderam ver nas fotos. No entanto, no final da semana a temperatura chegou a 25 graus Celsius! Nós saímos de casa de manga curta e havaianas!

During those weeks I took some pictures to show you the first spring’s announcements. Nature is so perfect, isn’t it? Enjoy it!
Ao longo dessas semanas eu tirei umas fotos da vida brotando por aqui.. Espero que gostem!

Here our noisy friends: the geese. Soon they will leave here and go to Canada!
Aqui nossos amigos gansos. Logo logo eles estarão voltando para o Canadá!

Last Sunday we changed our clocks once again here. The spring didn’t come yet, but we are already in the Summer daylight savings around here. And, you can believe, with no complains about it.
Domingo passado mudamos o horário novamente. A primavera ainda nem chegou mas o horário, agora, já é o de verão. Agora a nossa diferença com o Brasil é de 1 hora apenas.

Spring glimpses,