Sunday, March 8, 2009

One more snow day

Not only had the winter given us a lot of snow as a gift as the Prince William County Schools gave to their teachers and students one more snow day as a present. So, Quico and Alice did not have to go to school on Tuesday again. Then we had another day to enjoy the last snow of the winter and have fun sledding downhill. Here are some pictures of us.

Não só o inverno nos presenteou com muita neve como as escolas do condado. Cancelaram as aulas na terça-feira também. Logo, o Quico e a Alice não tiveram escola e pudemos aproveitar mais um pouco o final do inverno escorregando no trenó. Aqui tem umas fotinhos da gente.


You can observe that the grass is already appearing but, nevertheless, we could have a good sledding day.
Vocês podem observar que a neve já derrete um pouco e a grama já aparece. Mesmo assim deu para escorregar bem.

Alice is going back to school. On Wednesday. The view still prety!
Alice indo para a escola na quarta-feira. A paisagem continua linda!

Winter kisses!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marina!
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog!
    I visited your crafty blog, although I cannot figure out what is written about, but I enjoyed to see your works! I saw the little cute card you gave me today! I thought I would like to put it on refrigerator so that I can think of you every time I see it, and placed a small magnet on the back. It will take a while the glue to be dried, but I have noticed that the magnet height would be too short to reach the surface of the refrigerator because of the clip on the top of the card. I have to think what I can do with it :D Thank you very much for the nice gift!


    p.s. I see you enjoyed the big snow! As for me..., I just stayed at home waiting until everything melted. I enjoyed a lot of sewing though!
