Friday, April 8, 2011

Hip-Hop in the School

During all this week Rosemont School resided a Decidedly Jazz Danceworks group which worked with the children creative movement with a focus on fusion and hip-hop dance styles.
Durante esta semana a escola da Alice recebeu um grupo de dança - Decidedly Jazz Danceworks -que trabalhou com as crianças a criatividade de movimentos focando no estilo Hip-Hop.

Here you can check part of Alice's class presentation. Alice is wearing pink pants.
Aqui vocês podem assistir parte da apresentação da turma da Alice. Ela está de calça cor de rosa.

She also had made a short "rap song", but which says:
"My name is Alice
I have three dogs,
I miss Brazil
where there are lots of frogs!"
Funny, isnt', it?

Rap kisses,

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