Monday, April 5, 2010

Páscoa // Easter

Aqui o coelhinho chegou em etapas!Primeiro trouxe um monte de bolachas, chocolates e outras coisinhas - que tinha deixado na casa do vovô e veio em uma caixa pelo correio!
The Easter bunny came to our home in stages!
First, he brought lots of cookies, chocolates and some other little toys. He had left it at grandpa`s house and it came in a box by mail!

Depois, na véspera do domingo de páscoa a Alice deixou um desenho para o coelhinho. Ele costuma adorar os desenhos e sempre leva consigo. Ainda bem que consegui tirar uma foto antes do coelhinho levar!
Later, in the night before Easter, Alice left for the bunny a beautiful drawing she had made. The Bunny likes her drawings and takes it with him every year. Luckily I could take a picture before he took it.

No domingo o coelho passou novamente por aqui. Deixou marcas das patinhas por todo apartamento.A Alice procurou pelos ovos de chocolate e depois encheu a mesa com todas as guloseimas!
On Easter Sunday, the Bunny came here again. The entire apartment was printed with his little paws. Alice enjoyed hunting for the chocolate’s eggs.
Later she filled the table with all the candies she got for Easter!

Também deixou chocolates na titia, a tia Ymara e na dinda!
Quero ver dar conta de tanto doce!
The Bunny had left chocolates at titia's, Ymara's and dinda’s homes!
Let’s see if we will be able to eat all those candies!

Espero que todos tenham tido ótimo feriado de Páscoa!
I hope you all had had a wonderful and restful Easter holiday!

chocolate kisses,


  1. That's a lot of chocolate!!! I think Alice will need some help to eat all this, right? I am volunteering!!! ;)

  2. Qi que saudade desses ovos!! Amo chocolate branco e ja vi q. a Alice ganhou o Galak!! Yummy.... Bjos enormes pra todos e feliz pascoa :-))
