Last month we got a card from our neighbors from Manassas. The card had a beautiful picture of a Cardinal. I remember that once when I was at Dale´s house she showed me one of those birds that was outside on a tree and told me that the Cardinal is the official symbol bird of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Dentro do cartão que Marie e Joe nos enviaram também tinha uma porção de fotos que eles tiraram da nevasca que atingiu a região neste último inverno. Achei super carinhoso e querido da parte deles!
Inside the card Marie and Joe sent to us there were some photos from the last snow storm they had in Manassas last winter. Much more intense than the snow we had when we were living there! How envy we got!
Acabei ficando curiosa sobre qual é a ave que simboliza o Brasil. Lembro de alguém ter me perguntado sobre isso um dia. Desta vez resolvi acabar com a dúvida e dei uma pesquisada. Descobri que a ave que simboliza o Brasil é o Sabiá-laranjeira .
I then became curious about which bird is the symbol of Brazil or Rio Grande do Sul state. So I decided to google it!I found that the Rufous-bellied Thrush is the Brazilian bird!
E ainda mais, que a ave que simboliza o Rio Grande do Sul é o Quero-Quero ! Dá para entender perfeitamente por quê!
I also found that the Southern Lapwing is the official bird of Rio Grande do Sul state. I can understand why! This bird is so funny and it’s name in portuguese means “wants-wants” because its vocal noise seems to be saying exactly this!