Thursday, August 27, 2009

More about our lives here...

Here we are celebrating Quico's father birthday in his apartment.
Comemorando o aniversário do pai do Quico no apartamento dele.

Alice was nibbling the cake.
Alice tirando uma lasquinha do bolo.

Alice at grandpa lap.
Alice no colinho do vovô.

At our house and with the dogs.

Alice and Biscoita.

Florzinha, Biscoita and Bohr.

In the cold days (about 37F) we were having a soup in front the fire place. Don't forget we are in the south hemisphere and so it is winter this time of the year!
Just have a look how many clothes we have to wear INSIDE the house! Horrible!

Or….having a cheese fondue

And for dessert a chocolate fondue!

Alice is playing with her friend Laura at our house porch.

Our first barbecue at home.

Trying to keep warm with the blanket Dale had made for us.

Alice is with the dogs at our house yard. Just have a look to the river shore behind her. This is wonderful!

licks and kisses,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Schroeder family.
    Thank you for sharing your blog with your Romanian friends. Your house is nice and designed with great style, like the old castles. Now I understand better how Manassas can only show a pale picture compared to the place where you live.
    Best wishes from Ion, still in Manassas.
