Friday, October 9, 2009

Life in the country side

Sure there are some advantages in living far from the center of the city. We have lots os open space, pure air, trees, river and…animals!
Ok, I have to be fair, those animals are not ours, but at least they are very close to us. They are from our in front gate neighbors.

Alice is giving a bottle of milk to a lamb.

And I am carry it! So cute!

Alice is petting a chick.

Alice is kissing a baby bunny. This picture is for Kyoko! I remember of you!

And playing with a baby cow!

As you can see we had lots of fun this day!

Lambs kisses,

1 comment:

  1. This is really cool! I forgot that your neighbors had so many animals! Sweet!
    Edu & Adri.
