On our second Day in NYC we visited the Children’s Museum in Staten Island (one of NYC Burroughs) and we had to take the Ferry Boat to get there.
The Children’s Museum is located on the grounds of Snug Harbor Cultural Center. It is a park-like area (83acre or 340 km2) which used to be the home for retired seamen in the 19th century and that has been restored for 28 years. Nowadays it is a regional arts center with gardens, museums, theaters and seasonal festivals.
Uma das atrações desse Centro é o Museu da Criança que possui vários brinquedos interativos interessantes para as crianças e para os pais!
One of the Center attractions is the Children’s Museum with lots of interesting hands-on activities for children and (why not?) for parents.
Tivemos uma manhã agradável. O tempo estava bom , o lugar é super bonito e pudemos brincar bastante com a Alice.
We had a nice time there. The weather was great, the place is very beautiful and we could play a lot with Alice.
À tarde nós fomos – uma vez mais – na loja Schwarz. Mas a fila estava enorme e nós não quisemos perder tempo em fila para entrar em uma loja! A Alice ficou triste e chorou bastante. Então prometi para ela que iríamos tentar mais uma vez no dia seguinte. O Quico poderia passear enquanto esperássemos na fila. Então aproveitamos o resto do dia para passear mais um pouco no Central Park e visitar Greenwich. (bairro boêmio de Nova Iorque) onde e pude comer um Falafel e o Quico e Alice um cachorro-quente.
In the afternoon we went – once again- to Schwarz. The line was enormous and we didn’t want to spend much time in a line to get inside a store! Alice was upset and then I promised her that the next day I would take her there again and Quico could visit some other place during this time Alice and I would be in the store. Then we walked a little more through the Central Park and visited the Greenwich Village (a Bohemian neighborhood) where I had a Falafel and Quico and Alice had a hot-dog.
More photos here:
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